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EJEC - Essential Jobs, Essential Care

The Michigan IMPART Alliance/Essential Jobs, Essential CareTM (EJECTM) DCW COALITION: Collective Action and Impact!

closeup of two adults holding hands.

The IMPART Alliance/Essential Jobs, Essential CareTM initiative (EJECTM) started as a partnership between IMPART Alliance and PHI aimed at transforming jobs for Michigan’s DCWs through policy reform in three main areas - improving compensation, professionalization, and data collection/use. Strategies for achieving this include development of a Policy Roadmap and establishment of a statewide DCW Coalition with a wide and diverse stakeholder membership. 

The EJECTM Coalition has grown rapidly over the past year. Members receive regular E-blasts about what is happening at the state and local levels on behalf of DCWs as well as Advocacy Alerts and Calls to Action. It allows us to build a movement, one that can approach policy makers with a unified voice and consistent messaging to make a big impact through collective action.

Complete the form below and join us as we work together to address the DCW Shortage!



Throughout Michigan, older adults and people living with disabilities rely on approximately 190,000 direct care workers (DCWs) to meet daily needs and participate in communities. Unfortunately, Michigan faces a drastic shortage and high turnover of DCWs. Despite their enormous value, DCWs struggle with low compensation, insufficient training, limited career paths, and a lack of respect, which drives many workers away.

Click here for a report outlining lessons learned to date:  2023 EJEC Report


Questions: For questions regarding EJEC, contact: